As providing services for Acer in the United Kingdom we have analysized different patterns of problems which customers face. Whenever a new thing happen like lauching of new Operating system, games series part or new software people just start running toward it without asking themselve that why do they need new operating system if they are comfortable with current Windows version. Due to this human nature of trying new things often trouble people a lot. By installing a new software in their computer without knowing much about it can cause problem to them. As we have software developers also in our team we all know that whenever a new software or operating system lauched there were always some bugs generally known as errors were left in software while developing. This bugs or error are resolved later by analysing customers complaints and are removed in updates of those softwares. So our expert always recommend that dont use new software or operating system just after its lauch. Take some time while developer make it more safe, secure and bugs free.

  •  16/10/2018 02:08 PM